I’m thrilled to introduce Lexee Toste, one of my Treasured Readers. Lexee is one of the reasons I created the Treasured Reader feature. I wanted to let others get to know my terrific readers. Connecting with Lexee and my other Treasured Readers on a personal level allows us to acknowledge the special author/reader relationship we have. It’s like personally meeting a long lost friend. What a glorious gift!
Dear Taylor:
I am a 26 year old single woman. I’ve had some great role models for relationships. Looking at my parents, grandparents, aunt and uncle, I’ve decided that’s the kind of relationship that I want and I’m not willing to settle for less. My expectations have made it a little difficult in my age group to find that just yet, so I haven’t had much dating experience.
I have 2 dogs. They are family and completely spoiled. LOL! I work full time in the corporate office of Patrick James, a high end male clothing store, doing all kinds of things so what I end up doing daily changes. I also have my real estate license and work with my aunt and cousin doing that. I’m very close to my family and so spend a lot of time with them.
Reading is an escape and a comfort for me. I love getting into a book and going on the adventures with the characters in the book. It’s my way of relaxing as well. I love to curl up with a good book and let go of everything else going on at the time.
I loved reading as a kid! I devoured books and was always reading different ones. I’m not sure exactly what my favorite children’s book was, maybe my mom knows but I was always curious about new ones and going on new adventures with them.
I love romance, all the subgenres of it but paranormal might have to be my favorite subgenre. I love it when the good guys and girls come out on top and there’s always a happy ending. There’s enough bad s*** going on in this world that when I read I want it to have a happy ending. It makes the journey and the hard stuff the characters face worth it when things turn out right in the end.
I love Taylor’s kickass heroines and their alpha men partners. I especially love kickass women and Taylor’s women always are. That doesn’t mean that these women don’t have vulnerable sides. But they are strong enough to hang with the guys and kick their ass. I think that’s what drew me to Taylor’s stories in the first place. I read one of the Grandmaster’s Legacy books. The way the hero worked with the heroine hooked me on Taylor’s books. I’ve loved to read them ever since that first one!
Thank you for offering to send someone special one of your books. I have to go with my best friend Kylie and the Grandmaster’s Legacy series. I love the way that the heroines in the series hold their own and come back from the challenging events that happen to them. I think that my friend would love these books. She has had some hard experiences in her life and I would love for her to connect to the heroines that keep fighting. My friend is a fighter and a survivor but she doesn’t always see herself that way.
Note: All Treasured Team members are eligible to become a Treasured Reader. Tell us about yourself and what you love about reading. I will send your favorite Taylor Lee Book or Series to anyone you choose. And because I Treasure you, all Treasured Readers will receive a $25 gift certificate!
Congrats on being a featured treasured reader love the pictures..and enjoyed getting know about another team member.