I am thrilled to introduce another of my Treasured Readers: Debbie Chew
One of the challenges we authors face is writing our hearts out and then turning our hard crafted characters over to you – our readers. Imagine shoving one of your daughters out into the world and asking all who met her: “Soooo, what you think of her?”
That’s essentially what I do every time I write a book and then ask my readers to write a review asking “Tell me. What did you think of it?”
Imagine how I feel when reading a letter like the one Debbie wrote below. To say that it makes my heart sing is an understatement. Connecting with Rita, Lexee, Debbie and my other Treasured Readers on a personal level allows us to acknowledge the special author/reader relationship we have. It’s like personally meeting a long lost friend. What a glorious gift for us both!
Dear Taylor:
I am 53 years old and will be married 30 years this July. I have one beautiful daughter who is an RN. My family means everything to me. I work in the medical field (30 years) on the Administration/Business Office side. I am also a Certified Professional Coder.
I have two fur babies that are spoiled rotten but they are so much fun. They are both Labs one is a chocolate and the other is a yellow. (see my pics)
My family loves to spend time together and we love to vacation at the beach. About 2 years ago my husband, daughter and myself took on the challenge of a healthy life style and it has really paid off we all feel so much better. (No pictures of the husband because he said “You know what I look like”) LOL!
I read when I was in High School and I started reading again when my daughter graduated High School because I finally had time…lol. Taylor was one of the first Authors I downloaded on my new kindle because a friend said I should read her books. I have found that reading really is my time to relax. (Great stress relief). I love to read while I am at the gym on the cardio machines also because it makes the time pass faster. I sure some team members can relate!
I like to read romance /romantic suspense the best, so Taylor is on top of my must read list. The All Fired up Series was what got me started on this road of reading. I really did enjoy it a lot but I must say I agree with Rita Sutherlan and the Justice Brothers series is my favorite if I had to pick one. I just feel like Taylor Lee books pull you in and keep you there from start to finish. I really want to thank Taylor so much for the endless hours she puts into giving us all a great escape from our daily routine and into her wonderful books.
Thanks for the offer to send out one of your books or series to someone. I would love to send The Justice Brothers series to my friend Amy because after all she is the one that introduced me to Taylor Lee books.
Thanks and Hugs to you, Taylor.
Note: All Treasured Team members are eligible to become a Treasured Reader. Tell us about yourself and what you love about reading. I will send your favorite Taylor Lee Book or Series to anyone you choose. And because I Treasure you, all Treasured Readers will receive a $25 gift certificate!
So enjoyed getting meet a fellow reader I really enjoyed your Story Debbie thanks for sharing it. Happy reading
Hi Taylor, I am 66 years old. With 3 lovely cats that love to sit with me while I read. I am a retired medical office manager. Married to a wonderful man for 24 years. I love spending my evenings reading. I have just about all of your books and my favorite is The GrandMaster Legacy Series, which is what I would like to send to my daughter-in-law. How is this accomplished, as I am sure she will enjoy it. I want to take the time to thank you for all the wonderful reading material you have provided for all of us who love your books. Please keep them coming.